Tuesday, 23 December 2008

NO to Christmas shopping!

This year I said no to Christmas shopping and did presents by my self. Above are my Christmas creature dolls, one for my sister, one for dad and one for Lee's niece. Below is the furry scarf with flower badges for my best friend Sara and tuned slippers for Elisa.

I even produced my own wrapping paper. These are the stamps I carved from lino and then printed the creatures on coloured papers.

Few more card desings:

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Christmas Fair

These are all the earrings I made for our Christmas Fair in Camberwell.

8 pairs of jingle bell versions...

...and rest of them had funny foam shapes.

Ofcourse I had an outfit and make-up for the occasion too. Note; the earrings are from my own collection!

Last night I also made few brooches. They sold well. Should have done more.

These are the Christmas cards I made very quickly for friends in our course.

The fair was rather intersting as it turned out I was the only one actually selling anything. I had fun anyway sitting close to the bar and even after few beers managed to make a little profit!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Christmas creatures and the highchair

These are 20 users of my infamous highchair. To be honest I got bored thinking about chairs that much and instead got really into creating Christmas creatures. It is the season anyway... In this fairytale land my highchair is like a throne and creatures are competing who has the power by who gets to sit up there on the chair. Cratures are divided to few loose races.

These 3 above represent the Snow Drop race.

These horn heads belong to the family of Red Noses.

In this picture on left are few members of the Snow Drops and on right their closest relatives the Sprucecorns.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Lazy Christmas Card

My lazyness produced one single Christmas card this year. Or kind of several versions as the characters in my card are made on separate paper. They are called Red Nose and Snow Drop. I could scan them on different backrounds too...But I'm lazy. So Have a Lazy Christmas everyone!

Friday, 5 December 2008

Emmas revenge

Last monday I did a screen printing workshop. It was hours of fun. My image was part of the chair project. I decided to give tiny me change for revenge...

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Emma and a highchair

My chair project was about my old highchair and the tragedy that happened to tiny me in year 1982. When doing the research I found out that my higchair was the Finnish classic made from birch by an old Finnish company called Niemen Tehtaat. I also looked for various other highchairs in the Museum of Childhood and from internet. Most revarding part of my research was when my Finnish friend Elli visited and we got into a conversation about this particular highchair. She and her sister had the same one and even in same green colour. We both remembered excatly how the chair smelled and how its surface felt like. We also remembered dry bits of baby food stuck on it.