Tonight was magical. It was snowing. I went for a night time walk. Heavy and wet snow was covering at least all the cars. I added my snow desings on them...
I breathed the cold air and sniffed my wet woollen mittens. I was more alive than I've been for a long time. There were no other people but I met a fox. I'm happy.
This is what came to my mind first when given the task "me-tea party". The word tea bothered me so much(as I absolutely hate tea)that i desided to go for emphasizing how I hate it!
sketches... first big scale drawings
For refreshments I made these "I'm not a tea bag" bags with sweets inside.
This film is hilarious! I just picked it quite randomly from schools library. I think that it deals with similar issues with some of the writings we've told to read for our U2 essey. Human beings confronting mechanized world....
name: Iriini. I've always felt that it sounds like someone skinny is screaming
age: 27. I can't believe I'm that old. I should be a woman now...yeah?
nationality: Finnish. Finland is the promised land of depression and uggly people, but we rock.
education: make-up-artist among all sorts of other things. Fashion is a "funny" world. expectation 1: confusion. My other name could be confused. And when putted in a rather new experience...well I'll be fucking confused! expectation 2: desing architypes. I'm sure I'll bump into those a lot!
requirement 1: keep the style. Ofcourse!!!!requirement 2: don't panic! I tend to panic bit too easily.requirement 3: girls don't cry. Means I have to stay strong!