Sunday 2 January 2011

how to develop a massive index finger: chapter 3 (DRAWING way too much)

 Now we finally are getting to the root of the problem of the massive index finger. Animating is clearly not good for you. Above is my first attempt to use cut out paper shapes but then I made a fatal decision to draw every single frame by hand.Below are my first test frames for the bogey eating scene which I never used in the end.

The following frame is from the opening scene of the final animation where Pop is introduced as a Super Child. Below the line drawing there is my first test attempt to colour in by using Photoshop and the last one down is the final coloured-in version.

 I decided not to colour in backgrounds in every frame separately. In the opening scene I drew a cityscape and edited it in by using After Effects (new skills!!!! hooray!) Below is that background.

 To make my life easier I bought a light box. I drew 215 line drawings using this and it was indispensable help. Below I am in action with the light box creating the end scene where Pop's hair grows ridiculously long and makes Pop into a unrecognisable creature.

This is the whole pile of original line drawings.I then scanned them all in and coloured them using my computer. All this monotonic drawing and colouring in was the cause of repetitive strain injury that happened to my index finger and made it grow to triple in size.

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